Sunday 26 June 2016

Why am I sharing this journey?

So, I officially could say I had a 'Dad Bod' just over 5 years ago when my beautiful wife gave birth to our amazing children. Children? Yes, while I will try to keep my identity anonymous with this blog, I will give you an insight into my life. I am the father of triplets, two boys and a girl. As much as I would love to blame my kids for the reason I now resemble Homer Simpson in shape, I can't.

See, since having the kids, it hasn't been a steady decline to a point where I am now blogging about it. When the trips were around about 9 months, I decided to go for a run one morning. I can't remember why? I had never been for a run before and had always hated it. When it comes to exercise, I love sport.

I've played football and rugby my whole life, played to a fairly decent level (if you can call it that) and got most of my exercise from that. I have never been a fan of the gym. There are a few reasons for this, but I know most people who love the gym won't like my reasons and they are a lot bigger and more muscular than I am.

Anyway, back to the run, that cold winter morning in December 2011, I ran and didn't keel over. I felt great after it too, at the time I thought this was down to the achievement of actually running and not the hormones released due to exercise. I felt so good, I decided to do it again and again and again. Fast forwards three months, I had dropped two stone and was running 5km in 24 mins and 10km in 50mins. Now before you say, get on the plane to Rio with those times, for me, I was proud of that time.

Now though, it is a completely different story.

So in June 2016 I am just short of 17 stone and haven't ran this year. Like I said, this isn't down to the kids but my job more than anything else. My job changed massively about three years ago because of this....blogging. I created a blog that took my career into a completely different path. An amazing one but one that takes a lot of time leaving me tired and unmotivated. But this needs to change.

My job now consists of travelling a lot all over the country, A LOT of driving and staying in hotels. This is my downfall. Snacking at service stations, drinking one or two pints in the hotel bar followed by a full meal a couple of times a week.

So this brings me to this blog. As blogging has such an amazing impact on my career I am hoping it will do the same with my health. Through blogging my ups and downs of trying to eat well and exercise regularly I am hoping it will keep me focused and motivated.

Only time will tell, but I will give it a go...

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